Writing Wednesday

Ms. Abma's Meme
Art by: Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Veronica Veronese (1872)

This week's writing challenge has 2 parts, and it is optional. 

PART 1 is to take a tour of a museum online and choose a work of art as your writing prompt. Use that image as a jumping off point for creative writing. It could be a story about what lead up to what is happening in the image, or it could be descriptive writing about the art or the characters, have fun with it. 
Be sure you copy the picture into your document and include the Title, Artist, and Date. 

For example, this painting by Caravaggio sets a scene. What do you think is happening? 

Here are lots of links to virtual museums to explore: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner

PART 2 is to make a meme! Humour can help us get through difficult times together. Use an image (or 2) you found during the virtual tour. Again, remember to include the original Title, Artist and Date of the work. Download the image you want to meme and use https://makeameme.org/memegenerator (or a site you're familiar with) to generate a meme. Follow the instructions there to create it. Save the image to share with us. (htabma@educbe.ca)

*Note: some art has nudity. Nudity in art is not uncommon, but please choose an image that is school appropriate*

Here are some examples to enjoy:

Thanks and credit to Ms. Amsler's Artroom


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