Writing Wednesday Letter Challenge

Dear Readers,

Today's writing challenge is brought to us by Letters Live and actor Benedict Cumberbatch.

Since 2013, Letters Live have been inviting performers to bring letters to life in memorable venues around the world. With our ‘Read A Letter’ campaign, we’re opening the stage extremely wide and would love for the world (you!) to share letters to the heroes on the frontline; letters to relatives in need; letters to strangers who have stepped up and made a difference; letters to neighbouring families, streets, towns and countries; letters from teachers to their isolated pupils or to the parents who now find themselves home-schooling; letters to those in power; letters to a population crying out for words of comfort. So, all you need to do is this:

  • Write a letter of encourage, of love, of support to someone you know needs one. Film yourself reading a letter. Use your phone, like Benedict. If you're camera shy, point your phone at something else while you read: the letter itself, the view from your window, your adorable dog. Before you read the letter, tell who it’s to and who it’s from, and if you can, tell us why you wrote it.
  • Upload the video to Google Classroom or share with me, Ms. Abma (htabma@educbe.ca) know if you want to have it published to the world.


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