Personal Story Project

Hello all,
I wanted to let you know about an opportunity for you to share some of your experiences over the past month. If you get published it is something you can put on your resume! It's also great way to develop your writing skills and process these changes. This is not for class but is an extra way to direct all your pent up thoughts into story-telling.

Teen health and wellness has put out a Personal Story Project 
This is from their website:

Sharing stories is a powerful way to connect with other people. By sharing their own personal stories, teens can connect with others who are dealing with the same challenges that they are. If a story is accepted for publication, it will be published online in Teen Health & Wellness. All published authors will also receive a certificate of achievement from Rosen Publishing and a monetary gift.

What would you like to tell other teens who are dealing with the same fears, challenges, and concerns about COVID-19? Write from your personal experiences. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • What is helping you cope with the COVID-19 outbreak?
  • How have things changed for you, your friends, and your family?
  • How do you and your friends stay in touch?
  • How are you helping to support others in your school or local community?

More guidelines and online submission is here:


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