Jam or not a Jam?

Check the classroom to answer whether this song is a Jam or Not a Jam! If you like the song/video it is a Jam, if you don’t it is Not a Jam. It is totally your opinion. I would like to hear why you think the song is a jam or not a jam in the private comment section. Also, if you have a song you would like to put forward, please add that to the comments as well. This song was requested by me, Ms. Abma.

This week’s video is: Like Sugar by Chaka Kahn

Results from Video Killed the Radio Star:

It's a Jam!

The answer to the trivia question was that Video Killed the Radio star was the first music video to be played on MTV when it launched August 1, 1981.

Also, everyone is invited to the Willow Park 9 Dance party today at 1:30. Check your classroom for the nickname!


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